Neurodegeneration Informatics Laboratory


We are a team of academic clinicians, psychologists and scientists working together to tackle the challenges of neurodegeneration.

Current team

Tim Rittman Tim Rittman Senior Clinical Research Associate
Amir Ebneabbasi Amir Ebneabbasi PhD Candidate
Iryna Vlasiuk Iryna Vlasiuk PhD candidate
Kiran Aftab Kiran Aftab PhD Candidate
Mariana Silva Mariana Silva Clinical Psychologist and PhD Candidate
Marion Peres Marion Peres PhD Candidate
Tatjana Schmidt Tatjana Schmidt PhD Candidate
Ethan Wong Ethan Wong Masters student


Pindong Chen Pindong Chen Visiting PhD student
Philine Schirge Philine Schirge Visiting PhD student

Past members

David Whiteside David Whiteside Neurology Specialist Registrar and PhD
Marcella Montagnese Marcella Montagnese Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tanrada Pansuwan Tanrada Pansuwan PhD

We aim to be an inclusive and open group, with expertise in key aspects of neurodegeneration, neuroimaging and data analysis. We regularly collaborate with other groups, particular around methods and data sharing.


PhD students

We recruit PhD students through the Department of Clinical Sciences. Applications are usually in December with interviews in January/Febuary to start in the following October. Please contact Dr Rittman to discuss PhD plans well ahead of the application. We have a high rate of success in applicants achieving funding for their PhDs, particularly through the Cambridge Trust. This requires plenty of time to write a good application and prepare for the interview.

Post Doctoral and Other Positions

We occasionally have positions open for post-doctoral researchers and other posts, details of which will be posted here and at

We currently have a postdoc position available on This is a one year postdoctoral position working on translating machine learning into memory clinics. The closing date is the 29th of December 2024.